God Provides

OK quilters, back me up here. When you walk into a store and all the batiks are on sale at 50% off, isn’t that a sign? Isn’t that God saying “buy batiks?” You know how expensive they always are, right? So when you don’t even know there is a sale and you walk in and see 50% off, it would be like spitting in the eye of a blessing NOT to buy, wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t it?

I was not greedy, nor unreasonable, but joyfully accepted the blessing for what it was. Here is the result:

Are they not beautiful? Wouldn’t you have done the same?

Whirling Tulips


The Center medallion for Whirling Tulips was designed as the world was whirling, September 11, 2001. Although glued to the TV, I couldn’t bear all the grey and all the despair, and I countered it with a bright fuschia/orange batik and deep green leaves, whiriling around a center left blank for some hand quilting. I used freezer paper to get exactly the curl and bend I wanted the leaves to have, and a very stylized tulip form.

I loved working on it. I use it for a card table tablecloth.


As I unfolded this to photograph for this blog/journal/record, I reminded myself to fold at angles, and never the same way twice, to avoid those deep folds that are forming from storing too long folded one way.