A Quilt for Naomi

My little 7  year old granddaughter wants to sew. Together we designed a simple quilt she could start with, and then she lost interest.

She wanted a rainbow quilt, and she has a birthday coming up. I have finished unpacking the last box, hanging pictures, arranging the furniture, and my hands are itching to quilt.

I find the lushest rainbow fabrics I can find, and cut them into simple 8.5 inch squares. My friend from Wales said “Oh! they look Indian!” and when I looked again, I could see what she meant, there is a sort of curry flavor to the choices. I’ve been influenced by my friends from half way across the world and I am not even aware of how much I have been influenced.

I had a lot of fun with the quilting, doing sand dunes in the orange, fireworks in the red, daisies in the green, sunbursts in the gold, waves in the blue and stars and initials in the purple 🙂

And then, I added six rainbow pillows to make her new bedroom (they bought a new house with more room and we bought back the house we had sold to them) lush and welcoming.


Today, she turns seven. I hope she loves her rainbow. (The far left pillow is red, a deep saturated red, so I don’t know why it looks orange in this photo!)

2 thoughts on “A Quilt for Naomi

  1. Pat says:

    I quilt exclusively for charity for my guild on Galveston Island, Texas. I found you via a Pinterest link. Your sloppy stars pattern is welcoming me. I see your statement following that post, but, being instructionally challenged, I am in need of further instruction. Is it possible you could give a link to instruction for this delightful block?

  2. intlxpatr says:

    Pat, the instructions are on this blog! put in:
    and it will take you to a place where almost all my sloppy stars are, and at the bottom are instructions. There are also revised instructions, with photos. This quilt really goes together quickly once you make a plan. For me, every time is different – and I am just finishing up two more I have yet to post 🙂

    One critical thing is to have contrast between the stars and the background. I draft 16″ blocks now, very dramatic and makes quilt quickly. I cut 13 lights and 13 darks for a 25 block quilt, or two nine blocks and a 2 block by 3 block (3 lap quilt size) Extra blocks can be used to make bag for quilt, of pillow. Have fun 🙂

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